

The Spartan Debt Fund caters to investors looking for immediate and consistent monthly cash flow in a low-risk environment. As a debt investor, you can also benefit with a redemption option available for those looking for a more flexible investment opportunity.

fund total
5 Yearanticipated
life of fund

investment criteria

Spartan Storage Debt Fund is a $60M fund that welcomes accredited investors to invest in notes for Spartan Investment Group self-storage projects in key markets throughout the United States. Spartan Storage Debt Fund will provide debt to well-vetted ground-up, lease-up, and value-add investment opportunities that Spartan controls. The fund allows our investors to spread out risk and reduce investment complexity. Spartan puts every investment through our 700+ point due diligence checklist. Everything we do focuses on mitigating risk.

  • Under performing
    self storage facilities
  • >40,000 Net
    Rentable SF
  • Opportunities to increase
    SF through expansion
  • Leverage economis of scale
    with exisiting Spartan facilities
  • Existing facilities that
    that provide cash flow
  • Facilities in diverse
    secondary & tertiary markets

Targeted Fund Returns

8 or 9%annualized returns
5 Yearprojected hold period
90 Dayredemption*

*Class B note investors forgo redemption option.


Return Structure

Investors have the opportunity to invest in notes in Class A and Class B Interests.

NOTE INVESTORAClass A $50,000 MinimumClass A Note Investors receive an 8% interest rate and have a 90 day redemption option.
NOTE INVESTORBClass B $50,000 MinimumClass B Note Investors receive a 9% interest rate and forgoes redemption option.

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or have more questions?


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Storage Debt Fund

The Spartan Storage Debt Fund is open - get started today!